简介:Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesitation, becoming an exclusive escort. Soon it is she who, at the invitation of Arab sheikhs, begins to recruit Polish misses, celebrities, screen stars and models. However, this inaccessible, luxurious world will soon show its dark side .
简介:The impending approach of Venus - known to cause "disturbing erotic behavior" - sends two men with very different missions to the town of Petit-Bois. One to save the schoolgirls from lust, the other to test a new aphrodisiac. Chaos ensues.
简介:When Luna, a battered wife, and Bela, an empowered artist, meet for the first time, their hearts will be freed by the people and society that chain them.
简介: 讲述了一个女人 Apple Dy 与她的军人丈夫 Arron 共同生活的故事。 Apple 的生活看似幸福,但当她的丈夫在没有消息的情况下奉命前往充满冲突的地区时,Apple 最终决定与公公住在一起。已成为鳏夫的公公有着一张颇具魅力的脸,虽然 Apple 最初是来帮助独居的公公,但她还是被公公吸引了。处于悲痛中的 Apple 最终与 Joko Diaz 之间产生了爱意,开始一段复杂的爱情故事。最令人惊喜的是,原本以为已经去世的丈夫竟然还活着。然而,由于丈夫的创伤,她现在陷入了复杂的情感冲突中。
简介:美国男孩斯考迪(斯科特·麦克洛维茨 Scott Mechlowicz 饰)在德国网友米克(杰茜卡博尔丝 Jessica Bohrs 饰)的帮助下,德语成绩大有进步,学习飞越然后高中毕业的他却迎来了被女朋友甩的倒霉事,沦为朋友库柏(雅克布彼茨 Jacob Pitts 饰)的笑柄。斯考迪接到米克寄来的电邮,信中希望能和他见见面,看看这个通了几年信的朋友。然而,斯考迪却有点犹豫,米克这个名字,貌似是一个男孩子。于是,他拒绝了这个请求。还是别人提醒了斯考迪,在德国,米克是个女生名字。斯考迪如梦初醒,决定要亲自前往欧洲去寻找米克。于是,斯考迪和库柏上路了,还在中途遇到了几个同行的年轻人。一帮不谙世事的年轻人可不是一路顺风,哭笑不得的事情屡屡发生,不过功夫不负有心人,当斯考迪找到米克的时候,他被面前这个金发火辣的美女摄走了魂!疯狂的度假正式开始。
简介:俄罗斯年度电影大片《蝴蝶之吻》(英文名:《Kiss Of Butterfly》)就曾专程来到中国数次,为寻找片中女主角——一个现代中国女孩“莉”,寻找过程可谓煞费苦心。最终此片选定蓝燕出演女一号。听蓝燕介绍《蝴蝶之吻》的导演是俄罗斯著名导演“安东西尔维斯” anton sivers,男主角是俄罗斯影帝“赛瑞奇” sergey bezrukov,这部投资高达2000万元人民币的大制作电影讲述的是一个关于移民到俄罗斯的中国女孩和一个俄罗斯网络黑客之间残酷而又凄美的爱情故事。
简介:A modern Russian interpretation of Vladimir Nabokov's novel, "Lolita," where single mother, Olga, and her bratty fourteen year old daughter, Alisa, are desperate for money. They decide to rent out a room to writer, Gennardy. Jealous of her mother's affection toward the writer, the preteen decides to seduce him ending with a surprising twist.